We are pleased to inform you that as of July 1 2021, all our activities within Endoscopy and Endoscopic Instruments, as well as Hygiene and Disinfection formerly active under the name of Onis Medical are now fully integrated into sister organization Acertys next to the existing activities within Hospital Solutions, where Onis Medical will continue to exist as the Business Unit Endoscopy.

Why Merge?
After the acquisition of Onis Medical in 2017 by the umbrella organization Duomed Group, processes were streamlined and support services harmonized allowing us now to merge the two companies under the name Acertys, where Onis Medical will continue to exist as the Business Unit Endoscopy.
Future plans
This merger is part of a bigger picture, namely the unification of our Belgian companies, namely Acertys, Onis Medical and Duomed, under the name Duomed in 2022.

What will change?
The name 'Onis Medical' will disappear, but the know-how and usual service will remain under the name Acertys. Your familiar contacts and our product range also remain unchanged. Both companies are joining forces, but the Business Unit Endoscopy remains located in Nivelles.
Headquarters Acertys: Oeyvaersbosch 12 - 2630 Aartselaar
Office and Service & Repair Lab Endoscopy: Rue du Progrès 1 - 1400 Nivelles
The general contact details will be the same as those of Acertys:
Telephone numbers
+32 (0)3 870 11 11 General
+32 (0)3 870 11 22 Technical Support
+32 (0)3 870 11 55 Finance
E-mail addresses
info@acertys.com General, Customer Service, orders and offers
support@acertys.com Technical Support
finance@acertys.com Finance
logistics@acertys.com Inbound Support Suppliers
quality@acertys.com Quality
Change of all @onis.com email addresses to @acertys.com
We’re convinced that this step will enable us to act even more as a very strong strategic partner for both our partners as well as our clients allowing us to anticipate to the continuously changing medical landscape.
We remain at your disposal for any additional questions.